Sunday, January 9, 2011

Smoking and acne - last is not the only thing

smoking women
The more I search for new information about smoking and acne, the more news I find about actions taken to shorten smoking women death roll. It’s known that women smoke as much as men and even more in some countries. Men need to quit for only several weeks before impregnation to guarantee that baby’s damage will be the least, while women need several months of no-smoking before they become pregnant with healthy babies. There is always a threat because children are more likely to born sick if their mothers are smokers. Scientists are up and working on this problem.

Today anti-smoking organizations have found new way to advertise healthy life without smoking to women. It’s so called “let’s look how your beauty will fade in 10 years if you don’t quit” program. Authors of the program gained possibility to create images of one’s face in future by using special morphine technology – “state-of-the-art” age progression. Joining this research every woman could see how she will look after ten years if she quits, and if not. You just see two copies of yourself – one good and one bad – with all your wrinkles brought by smoking, and acne, an all other possible consequences. Striking fact – this method works. Certain experiments were held to prove its efficiency.

34 young women took part in this research – aged from 18 to 34. Over 20 of them told after seeing two of their future faces that they will quit smoking for good because they are horrified. Many of them had smoker’s acne on those i-am-a-asmoker images – smoking and acne are connected, you know. Doctor Sarah Grogan – Project Leader – told us, that women are very interested in keeping their beauty for long time. This looks like a key factor of the whole thing. According to her words, lot’s of women experienced reaction of physical shock (even nausea).

Now researchers think about second part of their research – they would like to test those women again after five months from now – to see if any of them really quit. Do you want my opinion? I think none of them will quit. But researchers think another way. They hope to wider next research of this kind.


  1. It's been 10 days since I had my last cigarette. I've been smoking for 9 years (I'm 24) and I've tried quitting many times (actually I tried like every single week :D) and never lasted more than a few hours. Thank you! This blog really keeps me motivated not to smoke ever again.

  2. This blog is a great source of information which is very useful for me.


  3. I am 28 years old. I had smoked for roughly 14 years. I quit September 18th, 2011. I am doing great with not smoking. My symptoms after quitting have been rough though. I have lost a lot of weight since quitting which was opposite then what I was expecting :-) However, my bad symptom is acne. I had never dealt with acne until now... I quit and now I look like a hormonal 16 year old! Help? Any suggestion with how to get rid of the acne now? I am getting married in 8 months and I'm scared everyone will be looking at my acne rather then my "beauty".
