Thursday, March 11, 2010

Smoking pot causes pimples

pot smoking weed acne cause
“I smoke marijuana day and night – I don’t have acne at all!”, “I smoked pot for three days, and my acne went bad, oh crap”, “Do you think I smoke pot? Yes, maybe. But my acne don’t care about it – no more, no less.” These are answers we have got from asking people in the street whether acne problems make their life worse and if whether they feel any difference in their condition after smoking tobacco and pot.

Most of people said they haven’t smoke tobacco even a time, but among those, who did – 68% told me they don’t expose worsening of acne severity after smoking pot, 21% told us that their acne had gone bad after last smoking and 11% had no problems with their skin – they were just smoking pot.

So smoking pot is a cause of acne, isn’t it? Not really. There was no serious scientific researches conducted, but most dermatologists don’t think that smoking pot can cause acne. Smoking like it is won’t get your far, and some people may expose additional skin problems, someone may not.

It’s a good advice to stop smoking pot now though, if you don’t want to spend some bright and joyful years in prison and want to have kids.

Although you can suffer from more severe pimples if you already have acne problems – doctors say. Smoke gets not only into your lungs, but skin, hair and etc.

What else people say:

“I went months without smoking and noticed a vast difference in my face from when I did smoke on a regular basis. Im going to have to yes, yes there is a link but probably more so in a person that is prone to acne in the first place.”

“Marijuana increases testosterone in the body, so it can lead to minor outbreaks (a handful of pimples as opposed to full on acne)... it should also be noted that this only happens in the case of frequent use (daily)”

“haha the only way i think it would cause acne is because it makes u too lazy to wash your face!”


  1. My acne gets bad after smoking. Im 20 it might be an age thing.

  2. I'm 21 and have been smoking weed since I was 16.
    I have noticed that before I started smoking weed I had bad breakouts but when I started my acne cleared up and I haven't really had any breakouts or pimples since. Tabaco smoke made me break out really bad when I first tryed a cigarette at the age of 18.. I say tabaco is the main cause of breakouts on everone I know.

  3. Im 18 and took acutane when i was younger wich pretty much cleared up all my acne. Well I started smoking weed about 3-4 months ago, I now smoke weed on a daily basis. In the last 3 months my acne has gotten progressively worse. I recently also cleaned up my diet about 6 months ago and now try and eat very healthy as well as not over eating. Well that cleared up 99% of any residual acne up until again 3 months ago. Ive been freaking out about my acne getting worse and have sense started washing my face twice a day as well as being obsessive about hygiene to hopefully stop my growing acne problem. Still its been to no avail and my facial, shoulder and upper back (I have never had shoulder and back acne until 3 months ago) acne have continued to get worse. Well I met my brother today who I havent seen in a few months who is 25, he knows that I started smoking weed but has no idea how much I do it. Within the first 5 minutes of seeing him again he openly stated "your smoking a lot of weed now aren't you". I was like WTF how did you know he then said that he assumed I did because of my acne. He then went on to tell me thats why he stopped smoking weed because of the same problem and that our dad also had this problem. I dont know if the whole idea of weed causing acne is true but the circumstances where to perfect for it to have just been a coincidence. Im going to stay off of weed for a while and hopefully it clears up then il finally know if its real.

    I hope my story has helped anyone else shed some light on this subject.

    1. Helped me out alot. Thank you

  4. check google''face mapping'' there is certain areas on your face that are linked to different parts of the body for example i have been prone to acne since age 12 but since i cleared up my diet and only eat natural foods, i do not get any on my forehead anymore just on my cheeks which is a place that i NEVER used to get spots before i started smoking

  5. So based on what Ive read it affects everyone differently. But it most certainly did not cause me to have acne. I was a heavy daily smoker. Like a lot. I can say that I didnt have acne like at all. REALLY. I didnt use any sort of face wash or even soap on my face for years. Just good ol water. So now Ive quit. Since Ive quit smoking I have had acne all over my shoulders. Probly releasing toxins and what not. But weed definitely did not cause me to have acne. Seemed more like it prevented acne. But that was only my experience.
