Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Causes of pimples: drugs and acne and popping pimples

Speaking about smoking and pimples, we can say that causes of pimples can be different. Let’s count: severe depressions called by continuous smoking, “bad” hormonal changes that affect skin, non-inflammation processes that result in “smoker’s acne” and popping pimples. Today let’s speak about drugs and acne – this tie-up has hormonal changes as its basis.

Personally I know few people that got acne and popping pimples after they had begun smoking weed. But many experiments have shown no straight evidence of smoking weed to be one of the causes of pimples. Thus researchers say that pot affects hormonal balance. For example, Journal of Clinical Pharmacology had an article on this subject. Its author stated that smoking men have lesser sperm count which is called by hormonal disorder. Let’s say – if their reproductive health is damaged, chances of skin disorders are really big.

Cocaine use also can be one of the causes of pimples. Relations of this kind of drugs and acne lay in increased levels of testosterone of those who use cocaine. Too much testosterone is bound to lead to early baldness and bad skin condition. You can observe this effect even without cocaine use – just visit gym for a few weeks, and you’ll get some popping pimples. It’s because of high testosterone levels of those who do exercises and… use cocaine. The same effect has “ecstasy” (MDMA) usage. Levels of testosterone are 75% higher – with such bad hormonal balance acne is one of the smallest problems for addicts.

Drugs and acne have few non-straight relations. Usage of narcotic substances has a great stress effect on the organism. It’s a well-known fact that stress is one of the main purposes of pimples to pop up. So be careful and don’t exchange your health for “nothing”.


  1. One key thing to remember is not to pop pimples because this will leave scars. You can use lemon juice freshly squeezed on pimples to greatly reduce the swelling and redness. Squeeze the lemon juice out into a cup and use a Q-Tip to apply the lemon juice to the area of the pimple. After 20 minutes wash the pimple and the area around it with warm soapy water. Watermelon juice clears the skin of all its blemishes leaving it fresh and lovely. Tea leaves and lemon juice helps prevent hair fall, Orange juice is great for an instant glow. Thanks.
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  2. I suffered from acne when I was younger, but it wasn't related to drugs or cigarrets, as I don't do any of it.

    It was probably due to stress. Luckily, I found that cleaning your face twice a day and preparing a honey facial mask regularly is great to treat acne!

    In fact, honey is goo to hydrate the skin, prevent infections, swelling or scaring!

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  4. Thanks for sharing more details on pimples acne and drugs here

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  10. I have an extremely oily face. I get worst pimples by my nose and chin. It is really embarrassing and I need a solution fast!acne treatment for teenagers. I understand that there are those expensive acne treatments you can buy but what else is there? And no tooth paste doesn't work. I know this might sound impossible, but there is got to be a solution out there. I need help!

  11. People with oily skin must not pick at it. They also must resist popping their pimples. They should always use gentle skin creams and moisturizers. A gel-based cleanser and oil blotting paper will help “dry” excess oil.

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  15. It's true, certain drugs can really cause acne. That is why it is so important to learn about the ones that do and to make sure that whatever prescriptions you take, they are dermatologist approved. If anyone needs more information, TRY HERE.

  16. For some, there is a sort of pathological addiction to squeezing and popping pimples. They will see the pimples on their skin and have to pop them. Doing so may alleviate stress which can be a major motivating factor in the actions they take.
    Some might even run their hands across their skin looking for hidden pimples to pop and squeeze. This all may be related to an anxiety disorder which is being left untreated. While a slight amount of anxiety may be revealed from such actions, the scars created will remain on the skin and could remain there for quite some time.

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