Monday, January 3, 2011

Smoking and acne of postadolescent type

smoking and acne
Long time no see, my friends. But now I’m back – and so is my part of global information campaign set to discuss smoking-acne in masses. Here is one of the last researches on this theme. Specialists determined that smoking tobacco has certain influence on appearance of the most common type of postadolescent acne - CPAA. Read further to find more information about smoking-acne connection.

The results of this research were published in the issue of the “Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology” in November. Dermatologists examined clinical features of comedonal postadolescent acne (CPAA) and papulopustular postadolescent acne and possible influence smoking has on these two types of adult acne among women.

226 women from 25 to 50 years old took part in this research. 192 of them suffered from CPAA and other 34 – from papulopustular postadolescent acne. 150 women from the whole company were smokers. Remarkable that no data about skin type, diet, stress and other deceases’ influence on these women’s acne was collected during this researches.

According to this research 73% of those 192 women with CPAA were smokers, while only 30% of women with papulopustular postadolescent acne were smokers as well. Even mentioning that no other possible factors except smoking were taking into account and that only 34 women had PPAA comparing to 192 women with CPAA, this research shows us – adult women-smokers are more likely to have CPAA than adult women who do not smoke. This is the main connection between smoking and acne.

What is postadolescent acne and CPAA? Postadolescent acne (or adult acne) is inflammatory type of acne which can be seen on the lower third of the face, on jawline and neck of an adult person. Frequently doctors meet it’s comedonal type characterized by microcomedones and macrocomedones (retention lesions) with rare inflammatory lesions – this is called CPAA.

Here is my conclusion – if you are an adult with CPAA (visit dermatologist to be sure of it), you’ve got to say “bye-bye” to your bad habit. Or just quit it anyway. There is nothing good it can bring.

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