Monday, March 15, 2010

How smoking damages skin

smoking damages skin
I’ve found an interesting article about new service which will allow you to look at yourself after 40 years of smoking. Smoking heavily. Here it is.

The harsh reality of swapping football for fags made a lasting impression on a pair of Rotherham United stars as they tried out ageing software offering a shock insight into their potential future selves.

Stephen Brogan, aged 21, and David Haggerty, 18, saw themselves as 60-year-old regular smokers using the high-tech kit - with startling results.

The technology allowed them to compare how they would look in 40 years' time as smokers and non-smokers, and the difference was marked. They also got some sort of pimples and smokers acne as smokers.

The Millers players used the software at The Quit Stop, on Bridgegate, to pledge their support to Rotherham NHS Stop Smoking Service, which provides a range of free support services for smokers.

They want to spread the message that smokers are four times more likely to quit when they seek specialist NHS support.

Stephen said: "I was really shocked when I saw the image. I didn't realise smoking could have that sort of impact on the way you look.

"Seeing how I might look in 40 years' time makes me realise how important it is not to smoke. If more people saw this process I think they would definitely think twice about smoking."

The service is using the ageing software at regular group meetings.

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