Monday, March 22, 2010

My pimples had gone away!

smoker's acne and pimples
This is a story of an adult, who suffered from pimples for many years – from the time he was a child and till now, when he is already 43 years old. He claims that from the very time he started with smoking tobacco, he had every minute of his life filled with depress, because his appearance – problems with skin – impede his social life. He couldn’t speak to women without hesitation, and he felt everything had gone bad from when he smoked his first cigarette.

His name is Josh Sanders, I met him in a restaurant. I can’t say I drew attention on how he looks – his appearance and face were quite normal. I set and asked for a cup of coffee, then – I can’t remember how – we started a conversation. I told him I have a blog for those who is interested in information about smoking and tobacco affecting how we age and how our skin looks – including pimples.

Josh asked me if I can tell him address of this blog, and then told his story. Until he was 20 he had bad acne, and their severity was going worse all the time. He was still a virgin because of his problems, and it made him very poor. He tried different things to end with his acne, including special soaps, creams and medicine. But he never thought about cessation – smoking was his savior, he felt himself better after every puff.

Then he met his wife, but still suffered from emotional stress and his looks. Only when he was already 37, Josh gave up on smoking – they had a child. And pimples left his face.

This is an unique story, but everyone should try. Maybe smoking is the only problem why you have skin problems (if you have).

Others may be hormonal problems and infection. So don’t give up, try everything, but first – leave smoking for good.

Here is another blog where you will find information about smoking and discuss different things:


  1. Yes, acne affects life great - and it is often underestimated.

  2. Ohh god!! This is so sad that smoking can cause skin diseases like pimples even in 40'es!! So this is really bad habit we should make awareness about the harm and try to spread awareness!!

  3. I'm using a natural acne treatment in treating my acne. It effectively worked on me, it doesn't only treat and clear acne but also it leaves my skin soft and smooth as new.
    Vitamin B5 Acne
