Sunday, April 4, 2010

Smoking and acne

Here I will continue my research on smoking and acne connection. Is smoking a cause of acne? How does acne intensity and severity of pimples differ due to smoking, it’s intensity and type of cigarettes (low nicotine, medium, heavy)?

Can you comment on this post? I am very interested in your opinion about smoking and acne.

So now we know that smoking is really a cause of acne, it’s non-inflammatory type – called smoker’s acne. Most of the people who suffer from non-inflammatory acne are smokers, only 15-20% of those with non-inflammatory acne are never-smokers. But even one cigarette per day will probably bring you smoker’s acne after some time will pass.

What is the influence of cigarettes if we speak about inflammatory type of acne?

Different researches conducted in 80s and 90s found that smoking helps a little with inflammatory processes in our organism, speaking an easy language – your acne won’t be so “red” and their severity will be a little lower, but you still will suffer from inflammatory type of acne + it’s non-inflammatory type. So the pros of smoking here is doubtful.

Smoking intensity is not an important factor. Research workers say just how much you smoke won’t act on your acne severity. From one side, this is good – you can smoke as much as you want. From the other side, if you smoke even a little – you will suffer from smoker’s acne anyway.

Also it’s not a factor what type of cigarettes you smoke – Marlboro Red or Camel White – you’ll catch some pimples on your face anyway. Frankly speaking pros of smoking light cigarettes looks doubtful to me even not concerning acne problem.

So, let’s memorize:

- smoking is a cause of acne – it’s non-inflammatory type;
- there is no relationships between smoking intensity and severity of acne;
- type of cigarettes or tobacco you smoke has no connection to acne severity as well.

Stay health!

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