Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Quit to avoid acne

Now we know that smoking is the cause of acne – it’s non-inflammatory type, if not of it’s inflammatory type (that is just not proved). That means one must quit smoking in order to avoid constantly growing severity of his or her acne problems.

How to quit smoking? There are many ways you can try yourself or with the help of your friends, or specialists in this sphere – psychologist or physician.

First – stop smoking. You can go cold turkey, or make your cessation step-by-step. In my opinion it is ever better to stop smoking once and for all. If it will be too hard to battle nicotine dependence first few weeks – while nicotine gets out of your body – try nicotine replacement therapy. It is better than smoking, and soon you will be able to quit nicotine dependence completely. Though it’s better to stop nicotine flow at all.

Go and read Karr’s book about smoking stop – lot’s of people manage to quit with it’s help.

To stop smoking completely you must also keep away from places where there is smoke. Secondhand smoke is got to be the one dreadful thing for you. So ask your smoker-friends to stop when they are with you, try not to pass through or be in smoky rooms. Secondhand smoke is also bad and it can certainly lead to your picking up habit once more.

Go for sports, be on fresh air more often, avoid bad thoughts and stresses, manage them better with physical trainings and exercises, not with smoking tobacco.

You’ve got to understand that in order to quit smoking you must make certain efforts.

It will help you a whole of a lot not only with your skin, but with you breathing, heart work; it will improve great your state of health, and then you’ll be able to control acne severity and manage to get rid of them quick!

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