Monday, May 3, 2010

Adult Acne and Smoking

Acne is a problem of almost every teenager, but adult acne can be real curse for an adult. Acne is not a serious medical problem, but pimples affect they way one senses the world, self-esteem and bring stresses.

Adult acne are often of non-inflammatory type, as well as “smoker’s acne”. But you should understand that smoking can be the main, but not the only cause of one’s acne. Others are stresses, hormonal misbalance (testosterone is often blamed to be the cause of acne), food, drugs, alcohol, also genes, climate, lack of sleep. Doctors say that dirt can be the cause of acne too, because clogged pores are often the base for new pimples. Still you should know, that washing your face too often will only worsen the situation.

But let’s get to adult acne and smoking. Smoker’s acne is probably not the only thing you will get from smoking. It also affects general state of health and work of almost every system in your organism, so it will cause health stresses and different negative effects.

If you had the problem with acne in your teenage years, it is four times bigger chances that you will meet adult acne problem if smoking.

Kicking the habit is a brilliant idea for it will not only help you with other health issues but also will leave much bigger chances to avoid Adult Acne.


  1. Smoker's acne is totally vexing to have, due to its unappealing looks.
